Here is an intensive two-week workout plan is designed to assist burning body fat, promote lean muscle growth. Crafted with efficiency in mind, each session targets major muscle groups and culminates with challenging abs exercises. Let’s delve into the intricacies of this program, providing detailed descriptions to ensure you maximize each movement.
The Strategy Behind the Plan: Over the next 14 days, the primary objective is clear: burn body fat while fostering lean muscle development. This thoughtfully constructed plan aims to provide the optimal stimulus for fat burning and muscle growth. With four weekly sessions, the intensity amplifies progressively, compelling your muscles to grow while dismantling stubborn body fat.
Week 1:
Workout 1 – Chest and Back:
- Bench Press: Lie on a flat bench, grasp a barbell with a slightly wider than shoulder-width grip. Keep your entire body tight, chest up, and press the bar directly up until your arms are straight. Lower the bar slowly and under control. (4 sets x 10 reps, Tempo 2010, Rest 60sec)
- Bent-Over Row: Hold the bar with a shoulder-width grip, slightly bend your knees, and hinge forward from the hips. Keep your chest up and core braced. Pull the bar up to touch your bellybutton, then lower under control. (4 sets x 10 reps, Tempo 2011, Rest 60sec)
3A. Dumbbell Fly: Lie flat on a bench, holding dumbbells with straight arms and palms facing. Lower the weights to the sides, feeling the chest stretch. Squeeze your chest to raise the weights back to the top. (3 sets x 12 reps, Tempo 2010, Rest 30sec)
3B. Dumbbell Reverse Fly: Lean forward at the hips with a weight in each hand. Bring the weights upwards as if spreading your wings, aiming to bring your shoulder blades together at the top. Lower slowly back to the start. (3 sets x 12 reps, Tempo 2011, Rest 60sec)
4A. Gym Ball Roll-Out: Kneel in front of a gym ball with both elbows resting on the ball. Roll the ball away from your knees until your body forms a straight line. Pause, then reverse the movement to the start. (3 sets x 12 reps, Tempo 1111, Rest 30sec)
4B. Gym Ball Crunch: Lie on your back over a gym ball, feet flat on the floor, and fingers touching your temples. Contract your abs to raise your torso off the ball. Pause at the top, then lower back to the start. (3 sets x 12 reps, Tempo 1111, Rest 60sec)
Week 1: Workout 2 – Legs and Shoulders:
- Front Squat: Stand tall, holding the bar on the front of your shoulders with palms facing upwards. Bend at the hips and knees simultaneously, lowering until your thighs are at least parallel to the floor. Press through your heels to stand back up. (4 sets x 10 reps, Tempo 2010, Rest 60sec)
- Overhead Press: Stand tall with chest up, holding the barbell at shoulder height with palms facing forwards. Press the bar directly overhead so your arms are straight, then return slowly to the start. (4 sets x 10 reps, Tempo 2010, Rest 60sec)
3A. Romanian Deadlift: Keeping a slight bend in your knees, bend forward from the hips, lowering the bar down the front of your shins until you feel a good stretch in your hamstrings. Reverse the move to the start by pushing your hips forwards. (3 sets x 12 reps, Tempo 1010, Rest 30sec)
3B. Lateral Raise: Hold a light dumbbell in each hand by your sides with palms facing each other. Raise the weights out to the sides, using your muscles and not momentum. Lower slowly back to the start. (3 sets x 12 reps, Tempo 2011, Rest 60sec)
4A. Mountain Climber: Start in a position similar to a sprinter on the starting blocks. Bring one knee forwards and towards your arms, then back to the start. Keep the movement slow and controlled. (3 sets x 12 reps each side, Tempo X, Rest 30sec)
4B. Gym Ball Planks: Get into the plank position with your hands on the floor elevated on the gym ball. Engage your abs and glutes, maintaining a straight line from head to heels. Hold for the specified time, then reverse your position with forearms on the ball and feet together on the floor. (3 sets x 30sec each, Rest 30sec)
Week 1: Workout 3 – Arms:
- Close-Grip Bench Press: Lie on a flat bench, holding the bar with hands roughly shoulder-width apart. Lower it to your chest, keeping your elbows tucked in. Pause, then press it back to the starting position. (4 sets x 10 reps, Tempo 2010, Rest 60sec)
- Incline Dumbbell Biceps Curl: Sit on an incline bench, holding a dumbbell in each hand. Curl the weights up to shoulder height, keeping elbows tight to your sides. Pause and squeeze your biceps at the top, then lower them back to the start. (4 sets x 10 reps, Tempo 2011, Rest 60sec)
3A. Lying Triceps Extension/Skullcrusher: Lie flat on a bench, holding a dumbbell in each hand with straight arms and palms facing each other. Lower the weights towards your head, then straighten your arms to return to the start. (3 sets x 12 reps, Tempo 2010, Rest 30sec)
3B. Dumbbell Hammer Curl: Stand tall, holding a weight in each hand with palms facing in and elbows tucked in. Curl the dumbbells up towards your chest, squeezing your biceps at the top. Lower under control to return to the start position. (3 sets x 12 reps, Tempo 2011, Rest 60sec)
4A. Seated Russian Twist: Sit on the floor with knees bent, feet flat, hands clasped together, and arms straight. Twist to one side, pause, then twist to the other, then back to the middle. That’s one rep. (3 sets x 12 reps, Tempo 1111, Rest 30sec)
4B. Lying Leg Raise: Lie on your back with legs straight, heels slightly off the floor. Bring your legs up to a vertical position, then lower them slowly until they’re just off the floor again. (3 sets x 12 reps, Tempo 1111, Rest 60sec)
Week 1: Workout 4 – Chest and Back:
- Incline Bench Press: Lie on a bench set at a 45? incline, holding a bar over your chest with a grip wider than shoulder width. Lower the bar until it’s touching your chest, then press it back up. (4 sets x 10 reps, Tempo 2010, Rest 60sec)
- Prone Row: Start with your chest supported on a bench, gripping a bar hanging straight down. Lead with your elbows, bring the bar up until it touches the bench, then lower back to the start. (4 sets x 10 reps, Tempo 2011, Rest 60sec)
3A. Press-Up: Start in a press-up position with wrists, elbows, and shoulders aligned. Tense your core, then bend your elbows to lower your chest to the floor. Keep your elbows close to your sides. Press back up powerfully to return to the start. (3 sets x 12 reps, Tempo 2010, Rest 30sec)
3B. Renegade Row: Start in the top of the press-up position, holding a dumbbell in each hand. Contract your abs and raise one dumbbell to your side, leading with your elbow. Lower and alternate sides each rep. (3 sets x 12 reps, Tempo 2010, Rest 60sec)
4A. Bicycle: Lie on the floor with fingertips by your head and feet slightly off the floor. Bring one knee in towards your opposite elbow, then twist to repeat the move on the other side. (3 sets x 12 reps, Tempo 1111, Rest 30sec)
4B. V-Sit: Lie on your back with arms over your head. Keeping your arms and legs straight, raise them to meet in the middle. Pause at the top, then lower under control. (3 sets x 12 reps, Tempo 1111, Rest 60sec)
Week 2: Repeat week 1:
- Increase sets to 5 for each exercise.
- Aim to lift heavier weights while maintaining proper form.
Now the above is simply an example of some strength training movements, alongside this a calorie deficit in your diet would be ideal and a regular cardio routine. Read some of my other blogs for suggestions as to what foods are best and what cardio I usually prescribe.
anybodygym is a private one to one personal training facility based in Peterborough focusing on helping adults to retired people regain control over their health, strength and weight. A strong functional body will help you live a long and enjoyable life.
Private Personal Training Studio Peterborough