What supplements should I take

What supplements you should take, where is the cheapest place to get them from and what daily dosages.


Hi so here is my list of supplements that I feel everyone should take, I will include some of the main benefits and where I source mine from based on cost, quality and what dosage you should take on a daily basis.

To start though I would like to state that studies show that supplementation of these is 100% beneficial. The idea that you are guaranteed getting the right amounts from your diet is simply not true unless your diet is utterly focused on doing so. This leads me to my opinion that everyone should take them as an insurance policy for any deficits in your diet and looking at most peoples diets over the years there is usually quite a large deficiency of actual nutrients.

Please note that this list is what I consider as my absolute basics, these are all in my opinion a must for general health and are backed by enormous amounts of studies.


Multivitamin = I get mine from ALDI

Cost = £2 (60 days supply)

Dosage =   1 A Day 

*Link to website with details*


  1. Nutrient Gaps: Fill nutritional deficiencies that may exist due to gaps in your diet.
  2. Immune Support: Enhance immune function with vital vitamins and minerals.
  3. Energy Boost: Combat fatigue and promote sustained energy levels throughout the day.
  4. Cellular Health: Support cell function and repair for overall well-being.
  5. Cognitive Function: Essential nutrients for optimal brain health and cognitive function.
  6. Convenience: Convenient way to ensure a comprehensive range of essential vitamins and minerals daily.Moreover, addressing nutrient gaps through multivitamin supplementation has been linked to improved immune function, enhanced energy levels, and a reduced risk of deficiencies that can lead to various health issues. As a result, integrating a multivitamin into your daily routine becomes a proactive step toward achieving comprehensive nutritional support, contributing to a healthier and potentially longer life. Here below is a round up of just a few of the benefits

Numerous studies, including a comprehensive review published in the “Journal of the American College of Nutrition” (S. Bailey et al., 2019), highlight the prevalence of nutrient gaps in various populations. These gaps are associated with an increased risk of chronic diseases and can impact overall health and longevity. By supplementing with a multivitamin, individuals can ensure they receive adequate levels of essential nutrients crucial for optimal health.


Omega 3 Fish Oil = I get mine from AMAZON 

Cost = £22 (33 days supply

Dosage = 15ml a day

*Link to website with details*

Fish Oil

  1. Cardiovascular Support: Omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA and DHA, play a crucial role in promoting heart health by reducing triglycerides, improving blood vessel function, and managing blood pressure.
  2. Brain Function Enhancement: Essential for optimal brain development and function, omega-3s contribute to improved cognitive performance and may help prevent age-related cognitive decline.
  3. Joint and Inflammation Support: Omega-3s exhibit anti-inflammatory properties, aiding in the management of joint pain and reducing inflammation throughout the body.
  4. Mood and Mental Well-being: Scientific studies, such as a meta-analysis in the “Journal of Clinical Psychiatry” (G. Grosso et al., 2014), suggest that omega-3 supplementation may contribute to mood stabilization and alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety.
  5. Eye Health: DHA, a component of omega-3s, is a major structural component of the retina. Supplementing with fish oil may support overall eye health and reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration.
  6. Convenience and Daily Nutrition: Incorporating omega-3 fish oil into your routine is a convenient way to ensure you’re getting an adequate supply of these essential fatty acids, which are often lacking in typical diets.

Numerous scientific investigations underline the multifaceted benefits of omega-3 fish oil in promoting overall health. For instance, the “Journal of Clinical Lipidology” (B. Jacobson et al., 2019) showcases evidence of the positive impact of omega-3 supplementation on cardiovascular health, reinforcing its role as a valuable addition to daily nutritional intake. By addressing specific health concerns and supporting overall well-being, omega-3 fish oil stands as an essential component of a comprehensive approach to maintaining a healthy and fulfilling life.


Vitamin D = I get mine from AMAZON

Cost = £9 (400 days supply)

Dosage = 1 a day (4000iu)

*Link to website with details*

Vitamin D 4000iu

  1. Bone Health Reinforcement: Vitamin D is crucial for calcium absorption, promoting strong and healthy bones. It aids in preventing conditions like osteoporosis and ensures optimal skeletal development.
  2. Immune System Modulation: Scientific studies, including research in the “British Medical Journal” (A. Martineau et al., 2017), have highlighted the role of vitamin D in immune system regulation, reducing the risk of infections and chronic diseases.
  3. Mood Elevation: Emerging evidence, such as studies in the “Journal of Affective Disorders” (B. Lansdowne & S. Provost, 1998), suggests a link between adequate vitamin D levels and improved mood, potentially reducing the risk of mood disorders.
  4. Heart Health Promotion: Vitamin D may contribute to cardiovascular health by regulating blood pressure, reducing inflammation, and improving overall heart function, as indicated in studies like those published in “Circulation Research” (T. Wang et al., 2012).
  5. Cancer Risk Reduction: Some research, including meta-analyses in the “Journal of Clinical Oncology” (H. Ma et al., 2012), suggests that maintaining sufficient vitamin D levels may lower the risk of certain cancers, including colorectal, breast, and prostate cancers.
  6. Convenient and Vital Daily Support: Ensuring adequate vitamin D intake is essential for overall health. With potential challenges in obtaining enough from sunlight and diet alone, supplementation provides a convenient means to meet daily requirements.

In summary, vitamin D serves as a multifaceted nutrient, influencing bone health, immune function, mood, heart health, and potentially reducing the risk of certain cancers. Research consistently underscores its significance, making vitamin D supplementation a pivotal component of comprehensive health maintenance strategies.


Vitamin C = I get mine from AMAZON

Cost = £8:50 (180 days supply)

Dosage = 1 a day (1500mg) (up to 3000mg)

*Link to website with details*

Vitamin c 1500mg

  1. Immune System Fortification: Vitamin C is renowned for boosting the immune system, aiding in the prevention and reduction of the duration of common colds and infections.
  2. Powerful Antioxidant Protection: As a potent antioxidant, vitamin C helps combat oxidative stress, neutralizing free radicals and contributing to cellular health. Research in the “Journal of the American College of Nutrition” (M. Carr and A. Maggini, 2017) underscores its antioxidative benefits.
  3. Collagen Synthesis and Skin Health: Essential for collagen production, vitamin C supports skin elasticity, wound healing, and overall skin health. Studies in the “American Journal of Clinical Nutrition” (E. Hughes and A. Finlayson, 2013) emphasize its role in collagen synthesis.
  4. Heart Health Support: Higher vitamin C levels are associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases. Research in “Nutrients” (Y. Kim et al., 2013) suggests that vitamin C supplementation may positively impact heart health.
  5. Reducing Inflammation: Vitamin C exhibits anti-inflammatory properties, potentially alleviating symptoms of inflammation-related conditions. Studies, including those in the “International Journal of Molecular Sciences” (A. Carr and J. Maggini, 2017), highlight its role in mitigating inflammation.
  6. Benefits of Higher Doses: Some studies, like the one in the “Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology” (Y. Kim et al., 2014), suggest that higher doses of vitamin C may offer additional health benefits, including improved immune function, enhanced antioxidant protection, and potential cardiovascular advantages.

Vitamin C, with its diverse benefits, stands as a cornerstone for overall health. While meeting the daily recommended intake is essential, research indicates that higher doses may provide added advantages, making vitamin C supplementation a valuable component of a proactive health regimen.


Psyllium Husks = I get mine from AMAZON

Cost = £13:50 (50 days supply)

Dosage = 2 tablespoons (12 grams)

*Link to website with details*

Psyllium Husk

  1. Optimal Digestive Function: Psyllium husks are rich in soluble fiber, aiding in maintaining regular bowel movements and preventing constipation. This effect has been noted in studies such as those in the “World Journal of Gastroenterology” (J. Yang et al., 2012).
  2. Cholesterol Management: Research in the “Journal of the American College of Cardiology” (J. Anderson et al., 2000) suggests that psyllium supplementation can help lower LDL cholesterol levels, promoting heart health.
  3. Blood Sugar Regulation: Psyllium may assist in stabilizing blood sugar levels, particularly beneficial for individuals with diabetes or those aiming for better glycemic control, as indicated by studies like those in “Diabetes Care” (V. Vuksan et al., 2000).
  4. Weight Management Support: The fiber content in psyllium husks contributes to a feeling of fullness, potentially aiding in weight management by reducing overall calorie intake.
  5. Colon Health Promotion: Psyllium husks may contribute to a healthier colon by promoting regular bowel movements and supporting the removal of waste and toxins from the digestive tract.
  6. Versatile and Convenient: Easy to incorporate into daily routines, psyllium husks can be added to various foods or taken as a supplement, offering a convenient way to enhance digestive health.

Psyllium husks, with their impressive fiber content, stand out as a versatile and effective tool for promoting digestive wellness. Scientific evidence supports their role in digestive regularity, cholesterol management, blood sugar stabilization, and weight management, making them a valuable addition to a holistic approach to health.


Probiotic = I get mine from AMAZON

Cost = £19 (180 days supply)

Dosage = 1 a day 

*Link to website with details*

Probiotic for gut health

  1. Gut Microbiota Harmony: Probiotics, beneficial bacteria, play a pivotal role in maintaining a balanced and diverse gut microbiota, supporting optimal digestive function and nutrient absorption.
  2. Immune System Boost: Scientific studies, such as those published in “Nutrients” (M. G. Gourbeyre et al., 2011), suggest that probiotics can enhance immune response, potentially reducing the risk of infections and promoting overall immune health.
  3. Digestive Disorder Management: Probiotics may help manage digestive disorders, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), and diarrhea. Research in the “World Journal of Gastroenterology” (S. Didari et al., 2015) explores their potential in digestive disorder treatment.
  4. Mood and Mental Health: The “Psychiatry Research” journal (P. J. Tillisch et al., 2013) discusses the gut-brain connection, indicating that probiotics may influence mood and mental health positively.
  5. Antibiotic-Associated Side Effect Alleviation: Probiotics can counteract the side effects of antibiotics, such as antibiotic-associated diarrhea, by restoring a healthy balance of gut bacteria.
  6. Convenient Wellness Support: Easily incorporated into daily routines through supplements or fermented foods, probiotics offer a convenient way to promote gut health and overall well-being.

Incorporating probiotics into your lifestyle can contribute to a harmonious gut environment, impacting not only digestion but also immune function, mental well-being, and more. Research consistently supports the multifaceted benefits of probiotics, making them an essential component of a comprehensive approach to health.


Below are some links to articles on my website that are about supplements these cover much more detail please feel free to read through all of them, ask me anything you like.

*Fish Oil*

*What supplements do I take *

*Psyllium Husks*





anybodygym is a private one to one personal training facility based in Peterborough focusing on helping adults to retired people regain control over their health, strength and weight. A strong functional body will help you live a long and enjoyable life.

Private Personal Training Studio Peterborough






Leigh Carter


  1. Sue Dewar 08/01/2024 at 5:50 pm - Reply

    Thanks for the info Leigh – shall select two or three from this list!

  2. LC 16/01/2024 at 8:19 pm - Reply

    This is the best and most comprehensive vitamin guide that I have read. Thank you for the detailed information Leigh.

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